Hey everyone, its been a while.. an extremely long while to be precise. Writing and blogging is a passion of mine that I love dearly and strongly enjoy doing which might make you ask ‘Leigh, if you love it so much.. why haven’t you posted in months?’. Good question, let me try and explain. IContinue reading “SHES BACK!”

Tips for Anxiety/Feeling Stressed

Hi everyone, how are you all doing today? As you may have seen, I had taken a couple of weeks off of blogging altogether but I am back now and feeling more motivated than ever. Lately, my mental health hasn’t been it’s strongest and I have been feeling more anxious and stressed, hence why IContinue reading “Tips for Anxiety/Feeling Stressed”

Mental Health is Important

Rest in Peace Mike Thalassitis..💜 We live in a world where, every 40 seconds, someone commits suicide.. please, we need to spread the word and do something about it. Everyone in this world is fighting a battle, wether that be grievance, anxiety, bipolar, a break-up, financial issues, depression or, just a bad day.. and inContinue reading “Mental Health is Important”

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